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Portland Soccer Club

Portland Soccer Club

Division Name Team ColorTeam NameFieldPractice TimePractice DayVolunteer RoleVolunteer First NameVolunteer Last Name
4U - Coed Gold/ Royal Blue4-015A5:30Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachMeganSmith
4U - Coed 4-01Assistant CoachEvieBriley
4U - CoedLime/Navy4-025A6:00Tuesday, WednesdayHead CoachChristianTemes
4U - Coed 4-02Assistant CoachShannonDunham
4U - Coed Burgundy/ Gold4-035B5:30Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachCameronBandy
4U - Coed 4-03Assistant CoachSummerBandy
4U - Coed Pink/ Royal Blue4-045B5:30Monday, ThursdayHead CoachAftonRoberts
4U - Coed 4-04Assistant Coach
 (Use open space if crowded)
 All 6U teams' first practice will be on Monday@ 5:45 on Field 6
6U - Coed Red06-015D6:45ThursdayHead CoachAnthonyFoster
6U - Coed 06-01Assistant CoachCandaceFoster
6U - Coed Royal Blue6-025D5:00FridayHead CoachDobongPuok
6U - Coed 6-02Assistant Coach
6U - Coed Kelly Green6-035C6:00TuesdayHead CoachMollyWinkle
6U - Coed 6-03Assistant CoachMelitsaAldridge
6U - CoedBlack/Red06-045C5:30ThursdayHead CoachJonathanDillard
6U - Coed 06-04Assistant CoachKatlinDillard
6U - CoedTangerine/ Navy6-055D6:00ThursdayHead CoachRyanGoostree
6U - Coed 6-05Assistant CoachCalebGoostree
6U - CoedTurquoise/ Silver6-065C6:15ThursdayHead CoachAftonRoberts
6U - Coed 6-06Assistant CoachMeganCowles
 All 8U teams' first practice will be on Monday@ 6:45 on Field 6
8U - Coed Hunter Green/Gold8-016A6:30FridayHead CoachMichealCramer
8U - Coed 8-01Assistant CoachJoelRogers
8U - CoedPink/Royal Blue8-026B7:00ThursdayHead CoachRyanGoostree
8U - Coed 8-02Assistant CoachJuliaCoots
8U - CoedColumbia / Navy8-036C5:30WednesdayHead CoachVirginiaWoolford-Cotter
8U - Coed 8-03Assistant Coach
8U - CoedLemon/Hunter Green8-046D6:00ThursdayHead CoachPaulMcClellan
8U - Coed 8-04Assistant Coach
8U - Coed Silver8-056A5:00WednesdayHead CoachJacobRobertson
8U - Coed 8-05Assistant Coach
8U - CoedNavy/Red8-066B5:30ThursdayHead CoachCarlosCruz
8U - Coed 8-06Assistant CoachGabrielKakar
8U - Coed Champagne/ Royal Blue8-076C6:00ThursdayHead CoachTylerBivens
8U - Coed 8-07Assistant Coach
8U - CoedCharcoal Grey8-086D5:00ThursdayHead CoachJosephNewton
8U - Coed 8-08Assistant Coach
8U - Coed Purple/ Silver8-096A6:00ThursdayHead CoachWilliamNewbern
8U - Coed 8-09Assistant CoachVictoriaNewbern
8U - Coed Yellow/ Navy8-106B5:00TuesdayHead CoachTyCrowder
8U - Coed 8-10Assistant CoachLisaCrowder
8U - Coed Burgundy/ Gold8-116C6:00TuesdayHead CoachRobbyRiley
8U - Coed 8-11Assistant CoachAndrewSlowinski
8U - Coed Tangerine/ Navy8-126D6:00TuesdayHead CoachLaurenHigh
8U - Coed 8-12Assistant Coach
10U - Coed Black/Red10-018A6:00Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachBryanClark
10U - Coed 10-01Full/HalfAssistant CoachJosephNewton
10U - Coed Teal/Silver10-028B5:30Monday, ThursdayHead CoachMitchellWisby
10U - Coed 10-02Half/HalfAssistant CoachEmilyGoddard
10U - Coed Orange/ Royal Blue10-038A5:30Monday, FridayHead CoachChrisHamilton
10U - Coed 10-03Half/FullAssistant CoachMichealCramer
10U - Coed Lavender/ Silver10-048A6:00Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachSeanAnderson
10U - Coed 10-04Full/HalfAssistant CoachSamanthaAnderson
10U - Coed Royal Blue10-058B6:00Monday, ThursdayHead CoachRodneyYork
10U - Coed 10-05Half/HalfAssistant CoachChadPenick
10U - Coed Lime/Navy10-068B5:00Monday, FridayHead CoachJacobBridgman
10U - Coed 10-06Half/FullAssistant CoachBrianNardelli
12U - Coed Silver12-0176:00Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachJoshuaStagg
12U - Coed 12-01Half/FullAssistant CoachKellyStagg
12U - Coed Fuchsia/Navy12-0277:00/5:00Monday, WednesdayHead CoachDanielNew
12U - Coed 12-02Full/FullAssistant CoachLindseyWillcox
12U - Coed Purple/Silver12-0376:00/5:00Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachCharles JustinShort
12U - Coed 12-03Half/FullAssistant CoachDavidBryant
12U - Coed Lemon/Hunter Green12-0476:00Monday, WednesdayHead CoachBillyJenkins
12U - Coed 12-04Full/FullAssistant Coach
12U - Coed Tangerine/ Navy12-0525:30Thursday, FridayHead CoachNickNichols
12U - Coed 12-05Full/FullAssistant CoachShadWaters
15U - Coed Silver15-0146:00Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachKirstenByrd
15U - Coed 15-01(1 OR 2 if MS game)Assistant CoachKatherineMaza
15U - Coed Black/Red15-0246:30Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachBrandyEspinoza-Lugo
15U - Coed 15-02(1 OR 2 if MS game)Assistant CoachLeopoldoEspinoza-Lugo

Division NameTeam ColorTeam NameFieldPractice TimePractice DayVolunteer RoleVolunteer First NameVolunteer Last Name
4U CoedPurple4-01 Goostree5A5:30Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachRyanGoostree
4U Coed4-01 GoostreeAssistant CoachWhitneyGoostree
4U CoedTurquois4-02 Creasy / Hayden5B6:00Monday, ThursdayHead CoachKatieCreasy
4U Coed4-02 Creasy / HaydenAssistant CoachLeahHayden
4U CoedLime4-03 Dickson / Perry5A5:30Monday, WednesdayHead CoachKarsonDickson
4U Coed4-03 Dickson / PerryAssistant CoachAlexanderPerry
4U CoedRoyal Blue4-04 Randall5A6:30Monday, WednesdayHead CoachBradynRandall
4U Coed4-04 RandallAssistant CoachBayleyRandall
All 6U teams' first practice will be on Monday@ 5:45 on Field 6
6U CoedYellow6-01 Rowley / Huffman5C5:15TuesdayHead CoachDrewRowley
6U Coed6-01 Rowley / HuffmanAssistant CoachGabrielleHuffman
6U CoedKelly Green6-02 Puok5C5:00FridayHead CoachDobongPuok
6U Coed6-02 PuokAssistant Coach
6U CoedPink6-03 Roberts / Calvert5C6:30ThursdayHead CoachAftonRoberts
6U Coed6-03 Roberts / CalvertAssistant CoachCameronCalvert
6U CoedRed6-04 Burchett5D5:30FridayHead CoachKendraBurchett
6U Coed6-04 BurchettAssistant CoachNicholasBurchett
6U CoedNavy6-05 Dillard / Phillips5C5:30ThursdayHead CoachKatlinDillard
6U Coed6-05 Dillard / PhillipsAssistant CoachNicolePhillips
6U CoedTangerine6-06 Goostree5D6:00TuesdayHead CoachCalebGoostree
6U Coed6-06 GoostreeAssistant Coach
6U CoedCharcoal6-07 White5D5:30ThursdayHead CoachChristelWhite
6U Coed6-07 WhiteAssistant Coach
6U CoedTurquois6-08 Jennings5D6:30ThursdayHead CoachDrewJennings
6U Coed6-08 JenningsAssistant Coach
All 8U teams' first practice will be on Monday@ 6:45 on Field 6
8U CoedOrange8-01 Winkle6A6:30WednesdayHead CoachMollyWinkle
8U Coed8-01 WinkleAssistant Coach
8U CoedTurquois8-02 Goostree / Rowley6B5:30ThursdayHead CoachRyanGoostree
8U Coed8-02 Goostree / RowleyAssistant CoachDrewRowley
8U CoedLime8-03 Meador6C5:00WednesdayHead CoachJefferyMeador
8U Coed8-03 MeadorAssistant Coach
8U CoedRoyal Blue8-04 Trammel6D6:00FridayHead CoachLaurenTrammel
8U Coed8-04 TrammelAssistant CoachDavidTrammel
8U CoedPurple8-05 Newton6D5:30ThursdayHead CoachJosephNewton
8U Coed8-05 NewtonAssistant Coach
8U CoedSilver8-06 Mohebbi6C6:00ThursdayHead CoachAliMohebbi
8U Coed8-06 MohebbiAssistant Coach
8U CoedRed8-07 Holmes / Ray6C6:00FridayHead CoachJaredHolmes
8U Coed8-07 Holmes / RayAssistant CoachLaceyRay
8U CoedPink8-08 Roberts6A5:30ThursdayHead CoachAftonRoberts
8U Coed8-08 RobertsAssistant CoachBlaykeBarnes
10U CoedPurple10-01 Clark / Newton8A6:00/6:30Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachBryanClark
10U Coed10-01 Clark / NewtonAssistant CoachJosephNewton
10U CoedRoyal Blue10-02 Temes8A5:45/6:00Monday, WednesdayHead CoachChristianTemes
10U Coed10-02 TemesAssistant Coach
10U CoedOrange10-03 Cramer / Winkle8B5:30Monday, WednesdayHead CoachMichealCramer
10U Coed10-03 Cramer / WinkleHalf/HalfAssistant CoachMollyWinkle
10U CoedTurquois10-04 Miller8B6:00Monday, WednesdayHead CoachIanMiller
10U Coed10-04 MillerAssistant Coach
10U CoedLime10-05 Nichols / Greer8B6:30Thursday, FridayHead CoachNickNichols
10U Coed10-05 Nichols / GreerHalf/FullAssistant CoachLucindaGreer
10U CoedRed10-06 Goostree / Cannon8B6:30Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachRyanGoostree
10U Coed10-06 Goostree / CannonFull/HalfAssistant CoachJeremyCannon
12U CoedPurple12-01 Anderson76:00Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachSeanAnderson
12U Coed12-01 AndersonFull/HalfAssistant CoachSamanthaAnderson
12U CoedTurquois12-02 Nichols76:00Thursday, FridayHead CoachNickNichols
12U Coed12-02 NicholsHalf/HalfAssistant CoachShadWaters
12U CoedOrange12-03 Puok76:00Monday, WednesdayHead CoachDobongPuok
12U Coed12-03 PuokFullAssistant CoachAnthonyOchoa
12U CoedLime12-04 New77:00Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachDanielNew
12U Coed12-04 NewFullAssistant CoachLindseyWillcox
15U CoedPurple15-01 Stephens46:00Monday, FridayHead CoachKennyStephens
15U Coed15-01 Stephens
Middle school game on 8/15, 8/19, 8/22, 9/16
Head CoachWillSurface
15U CoedCharcoal Grey15-02 Durrett45:00Tuesday, ThursdayAssistant CoachJenniferDurrett
15U Coed15-02 Durrett
Middle school game on 8/15, 8/19, 8/22, 9/16
Head CoachJodyDurrett
19U CoedPurple19-01 Pacheco46:30Tuesday, ThursdayHead CoachFrancisPacheco
Middle school game on 8/15, 8/19, 8/22, 9/16


Portland Soccer Club
PO Box 217 
Portland, Tennessee 37148

Email: [email protected]

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